Reese has had basically no success with the potty. She tries all of the time but aside from one poop she has never used the potty for either function. So 2 weekends ago we decided to take more drastic measures. We put her in big girl panties and a t-shirt , nothing else (this is so against my & Neal's, everything should be clean, nature). This was not a success. Through this exercise we realized that she is just not ready. She did have her 1st ever pee pee in the potty & she is so much more aware now so it wasn't a total failure. We'll continue to work on it slowly and try the 3 day thing again in several months.

Ella is so close to being a full time walker. This is crazy to me, she should still be an infant in my mind. She is able to stand for 30-45 second periods & is able to walk as far as needed with a walker. Reese didn't begin standing until 11 months & didn't walk until 12 months & 1 week. It's so interesting to see all of the differences in development & personality. Ella has been consistently taking 3 or 4 steps to get to something she wants and yesterday she took about 6 steps to get from me to a friend of mine. It won't be long. She is also a wild woman. She climbs on everything and is fearless. I am scared of what future bumps and bruises we will encounter.

2 weeks ago Neal and I got to go to the Color of Hope Gala. This is an event that we try to go to each year benefiting the Arkansas Children's Hospital. It is always a fun time. The color this year was green. Dinner was great, we saw many great friends and the auction is always fun (and more than we ever want to spend but fun to look and consider).
Last week the girls school had crazy hair day. We gave Ella a mohawk and Reese had 4 pony tails, each with mismatched bows. She loved the attention that she got from having crazy hair. My little girl that always refuses to wear bows is now requesting them. I have convinced her that her pigtails with a bow on each is "crazy hair".
Last weekend we went to a super hero party for a neighbor and friend. It was at the Bentonville splash pad, which was such a great place for a party. The theme was so cute and Reese and Ella both got to decorate a super hero cape.
Both of my girls are so unique and amazing. I am so thankful that He chose me to be their mommy. I love them so much. They have enriched our lives in ways that we never imagined. We. Are. So. BLESSED!