
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bedding and Bows

Many people have been asking me to post photos of the bedding but I haven't had a sheet so it has not looked finished. One of the sheets that I ordered came in so I have decided to post some photos. I am so excited with how it all turned out!

I have also gotten completely carried away making her bows and tu-tus this last week. Below is her Razorback game/Christmas bow and tu-tu and a couple of other miscellaneous bows that I've made her...

Lastly, Neal also decided to use his creative brain cells and decided to take the light switch covers off of the wall, cover them in some of my left over fabric and put a clear cover on them. I think they turned out adorable and are such a cute touch!

There is still plenty to do but it is really starting to come together. I will post more once we actually have things on the walls.

Friday, January 1, 2010


At 24 weeks I finally have begun feeling Reese move consistently. This is such a blessing because now I have reassurance that she is doing just fine inside of me. Wednesday December 23rd was the first time that I felt something that I was pretty sure was her. However, I didn't feel anything again until Christmas morning. Christmas morning, while sitting on the couch at my in-laws house I was feeling her over and over again. Just really light taps but it was something that I had never felt before and was pretty consistent which caused me to know that it was her. I felt it again in the night that night and have felt it off an on since then. This Wednesday I worked from home and while sitting on the couch working on my laptop I felt her like crazy and could even see my stomach making the slightest contortions from the outside. Since then she has consistently been moving at least 3 or 4 different times during the day. Neal even got to feel her move yesterday. I have been waiting for months to feel this and am so excited that it is now here!