
Monday, March 23, 2015

Registering Reese for Kindergarten, how can it be?

Time flies! How is my baby girl ready to go to kindergarten in just a few short months. I am so unbelievably thankful that I decided to stay at home when I did because the time I have gotten with her has been so precious and this time has flown by.

On Tuesday March 3rd Neal, Reese, Ella and I went to Janie Darr Elementary to register Reese for kindergarten. I didn't get too emotional about it like I thought may be a possibility but I bet dropping her off that first day of school may be different. She was so excited and fascinated by it all. We went during lunch time and I think seeing all the kids eating together in the cafeteria looked pretty big-time to her.

Sometimes I wish I could slow time down but I am so glad that she is as excited as she is about this next stage. I am one proud mama.

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