
Monday, August 24, 2015

Reese starts kindergarten, how can it be?

A week ago today my biggest baby went to kindergarten. People with kids always say that time flies but until you have kids you never understand just how fast time flies by. I cannot believe she is in kindergarten. She is loving it!

The week before kindergarten she got a pretty big haircut, about 5 inches!

Her teacher's name is Mrs. Elmore. We have heard so many great things about her. I have been really impressed so far. She has taught kindergarten for many years and seems to be great with the kids. Reese really seems to like her.

The morning of she was a little anxious but pretty excited. Once we got there she happily picked a table and played with the legos on the table but when it came time for us to leave her she wasn't so happy. She cried a bit but the librarian, that lives in our neighborhood, stopped in and did such a great job of comforting her. The crying only lasted a moment and when we picked her up she was all smiles. We took her out for fro-yo to celebrate a great 1st day.

I walked her in the first 3 days. On the 3rd day, Wednesday, we had some really loud storms overnight. Reese still hates storms and woke up crying at 4:30. She never went back to sleep so when I walked her into school they had to peel her off of me, crying. She calmed down in moments and went on to have a really great day. I think it had a lot to do with her level of exhaustion due to being up for hours at the time of drop off.

Because the Wednesday drop off was a bit rough I worried about the plan to let her walk in on her own Thursday. We went for it anyways and she walked in like a superstar, no hesitation and happy as could be. I am so glad that she was prepared for all of this and that we have raised her to be so confident and independent but I am also sad that all of the baby seems to have faded away.

I held it together and did not cry during this first week. However, the Sunday before one of our pastors prayed during church over our schools, teachers and students. While he was praying that He would protect our students and guard their hearts and hit me that even though I have listened to prayers like this year after year this year it actually applied to me an oh so real way. I may have lost it a bit.

And we can't forget that this sweet girl started Pre-K last Monday. She is so excited that she now gets to do computer and Spanish and all of the other things that the Pre K classes do but the younger kids don't. Her main teacher is Ms. Skylan and she seems to really love her. Could she be any cuter?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Random updates on a Monday

1. Ella really likes having her picture taken. She poses in the most random places and says "mommy take my picture" and if I don't happen to have my phone she pouts for a while. Here is the latest random shot while at Walgreens picking up ear drops for her sister's swimmer ear problems (yes she went in her jammies).

2. These girls have such a special bond. They haven't seen each other much over the summer but the past few weeks have gotten to spend some sweet time together. Reagan, her mom, Reese and I are going to take an overnight trip to Branson before school and I think they are really going to have a blast. It will be interesting to see if they keep this bond over the years even though they will not see each other as much since they are going to different schools.

3. Reese's last day at The Kids Studio was a few weeks ago. I cannot believe her time there is done. She spent 5 great years there and I am so thankful to have found such and amazing daycare/preschool center. The staff really loved her so well and taught her so much. I am especially thankful for the love for Jesus that is taught there and all that Reese soaked up from many. She will miss it but will visit often since Ella will still be there for a bit.4.  My mom came up for a visit while she has a short break between summer school and the school year starting. She was here for her and my youngest sisters birthday. We had a lot of fun! A highlight was when she was pulling toys out of the pump of our neighborhood pool and reached in for what she thought was a toy frog. She quickly realized (after having it in her hand) that it was a real, dead, bloated frog. She shrieked and threw it. It takes a lot to get my mom flustered. Reese, Ella and I laughed hard. Reese wanted to play with it and kiss it like she does live frogs and I had to threaten her to keep her from it.

5. Look at this back seat full of cuteness!

6. During the 3 weeks that Reese is out of school before kindergarten starts I have been able to spend some really special time with her on the days that Ella goes to school. Some of the highlights have been eating at a bakery and watching them make cakes for hours, An Anna, Elsa and Christoff dance party at the library, sitting together for lunch at restaurants, high rise trampoline park and a super special overnight trip to Branson with her bestie and mom. I cherish this special time I have gotten with her and cannot believe kindergarten starts a week from today!

7. Gigi also paid us a special visit before the girl starts kindergarten. We had a lot of fun with her and even got some free babysitting since Neal and I had an event to go to.

8. This is Neal and I at said event, The Color of Hope. I just love this handsome man.

9. We love this sweet dog.

10. I am really going to miss getting to start most of our days relaxing with this sweetness.

11. The girls have been saving money for cowgirl boots and last week they finally got to go purchase them. I love that they have wanted something so badly and worked hard for it.

12. I am predicting Ella is going to have a hard time with her sister going to kindergarten. They play together often and love each other so much.

13. This one was longer than normal!